Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall Banquet

Michelle, president; Julia, secretary; John, vice president; Ed, treasurer; Me, webmaster

At the risk of sounding nerdy, I belong to an association for foreign language teachers.  Its called Chautauqua County Foreign Language Teacher Association (CCFLTA).  Its a lovely group of people who share my same passion:  languages and imparting the passion of them.  I've formed some really neat friendships by belonging to this association.  It also was the source of a temporary job that I picked up with a software company writing an online French review. More on that later.  Our association meets twice a year for a banquet to eat together, share updates and news and more importantly to mingle with kindred spirits.  Tonight's banquet is at Vullo's.  We have approximately 30 members and I can't wait to see them again.  As mentioned in the photo caption, I am the webmaster of CCFLTA because we are directly affiliated with the state association NYSAFLT who requires all affiliations to have websites.  Knowing that I'm techno savvy, I was more or less volunteers.  Here's the website and judge for yourselves.

1 comment:

Shamrock said...

Well, you are the gadget superhero, so I can't imagine that you'd be bad at web-ish type things.