As some of you know, Yves Saint Laurent passed away on June 1st. I am by no means a fashion mogul, but one can't help but respect a designer that endured so many trends for decades. YSL was actually born in Algeria, a French colony at the time. It was not uncommon for French citizens born in the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) to go back to France for purposes of jobs and education. Such people were called "pied-noir."
YSL spent most of his life in France but had a house in Marrakech, Morocco called Les Jardins Majorelles. I had the fortune of visiting this house and botanical gardens while in Marrakech. Its the most unique gardens I've seen. It consists of cacti from around the world, all shapes and sizes. Also, many ponds and trellises. The house is bright blue which is a color commonly used in Northern Africa. Its a quiet place to be and I understand that YSL loved it as a retreat from the hustle and bustle of Paris. His ashes were to be scattered around the estate after his cremation. I highly recommend a visit, not just because YSL's ashes are there but because its one of the most serene venues on the planet.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a house that color? Wouldn't it be fantastic to live in a place where living in a house that color would be acceptable?
Je suis d'accord! A house like that here would be trashy! Houses in the Caribbean are bright and beautiful, too. I found that in Italy, too. They're so beautiful.
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