Friday, July 20, 2007

La Maison de Vin

Yesterday, I rounded up a group to do a tasting of regional wines--no sense in drinking alone. A group of 6 of us went to the Maison de Vin to taste the local products. We must have tried 10 different wines that vary in viscosity, color and grape. We have wine everyday at lunch at school but since its basically a cafeteria its hard to say if its a good appelation or not. I would guess the latter because though we eat in a dining room its not quite haute cuisine. The wine attendant was very informative and had a good time with us, as we were a lively group even before the sampling. The region is known for rosés principally but that's a wine for women (or so says my father). The main appelation is "Anjou" or "Layon". Again, before I left people asked me if I would be near wine country--newsflash: France is a wine country.


Anonymous said...

Well I see there's no stopping you from having toooooo much fun. GO GIRL.

Remember I like ros'es too(you know what I mean)

So have a great weekend. keep the blog going

Bill & Jan

Mary Margaret Fogarty said...

Rachael, I am really enjoying following your blog. What a fantastic experience you are having. I am "tres jalouse."

We are doing just fine with school island but we miss you.

I think you will be "prete" to do some editing for us au retour.

Amities.... MM

Anonymous said...

This is turning out to be such a fantastic trip. You can probably see my green (as in envious) glow from France!



PS. I've not heard of Layon before...please bring a case back with you :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I have to defend myself! I didn't say roses were for women!!!! I said they're "girlie wines" because they're young wines, lightly flavored and somewhat sweet. Just like the girls in my family: young, light and sweet ;-). Having said that I wish I was there to partake in some.

Rachael, perhaps you remember the wine reference book you gave me. It speaks highly of the wine region around Angers and in particular, Layon.

We've all missed you and are looking forward to seeing you soon.

BTW, Dudie is pleased with her performance on 1 day of the bar.
