The girls on the left stayed close to me all week while I worked with them in Haiti. They taught me a lot of Creole, too. The girl in light pink (far left) had the same name as me!
Its true, I may be going back to Haiti. I went for the first time in August 2006 and then a second time in April 2007. This new opportunity would be in April of this year. I have been invited to go by a non-profit organization called
Pwof Ansanm. I have been doing translation for them for the last year for educational purposes. One of the documents I worked on was presented to the government of Haiti in order to be adopted as educational law. Their objective is to improve the educational standards in Haiti and thereby teaching Haitian teachers methods and techniques that increase student achievement.
In addition to translating for them, I have also contributed lesson plans of my own. The program is a week long series of seminars from April 6 to 10. I would present lessons, techniques and methods to increase critical thinking for students. The great thing about me going is that I do not need a translator and can teach them directly without a middle-man (or woman).
I'll let you know more as soon as I know it. All preparations are being made now for the program, the participants, the location, lodging, flights, and finances. Please pray that the finances will be provided by the grants being written or by some other means.
Can you believe I haven't been out of the country for over a year? I'm starting to go a little stir crazy!