Friday, June 29, 2007
School Days Kiddies!
My school started yesterday just orientation and I had to take a French proficiency exam first thing today. Piece of Cake! I had to write a 3 page paper en français of course about what I hope to get out of the program. I also had an oral exam in which I was interviewed by one of the professors. She asked me to describe myself professionally--no comments are welcome on this post from students *wink* and then from a scale of 1-5 rate my own French. I gave myself a 4.5 especially after having met the participants *wink wink*. My classes start Monday: la conversation avancée and la civilization contemporaine de France. I know most of you are thinking that would be boring...I'll let you know.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Making myself at home
I arrived yesterday and met my host family which consists of one widowed woman. She is sooo nice and hospitable and I liked her right away. Here is the catch--she watches kids in her home for a living. If you know me well, you may say things like "serves her right" but if you want to stay on my good side you better say something more like "quelle horreur!" All meals have been great so far and the conversation has been very animated and enjoyable. This confirms once again how good my French is ;). What is not my forte at the moment is French keyboards principally because the letters are in different spots than what we are accustomed. Angers is a charming city to say the least tho I haven't seen much of it yet. Marie (my hostess) has already begun planning outings for us: one weekend in Bretagne and a big soirée for my birthday, the 14th of July which the rest of France will be celebrating as well. Not for my sake but because its their national holiday. More on that later! Classes start tomorrow-wish me luck!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Its Sunday night and I'm waiting for the next day to arrive so I can fly out. I'm waiting to have the time of my life. I'm waiting to return home safely to my husband. I'm waiting for the time to go quickly. I'm waiting for the time to go slowly. I'm waiting for my French to improve even more. I'm waiting to see what my host family is like. I'm waiting for the layovers to be short. I'm waiting to see how I get around in the city. I'm waiting to see where my school is. So many things to wait for. An adventure is waiting for me too.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Where in the world?

Again, those of you who know me well, know that I could be anywhere doing anything. Some call it restless others may call it adventurous. I prefer the latter. In the past 2 years, I've been to 9 different countries and have loved every single one! My travels have taken me to different places for different purposes. Each time I go, I experience an awakening in my soul and a broadening of my scope. I've often wondered why people don't travel to get out of their hum drum routine and see something different. Maybe I am the aforementioned restless. For those of you who look forward to hearing about my ventures and the stirring of my being in doing so, I hope you enjoy what is yet to come this summer. The question is yet posed again: Where in the world is Rachael? (Merci Bill for being a captive audience!)
Points to Ponder...
Friday, June 22, 2007
Merci Dieu! Je serai en France!

So, anyone who knows me knows that France is my A.) homeland or B.) mothership. I just live better, breathe better, feel better...whatever it is about France that makes me feel more me than anywhere else on the planet. Additionally, anyone who knows me, also knows that I've been planning this trip for awhile because that's all I seem to talk about. Close friends can attest to this, as I've interrupted many a conversation with many to go on and on about some impertinent thing at the time regarding France. I'll be calling Angers my home this time. Angers is a great city in the Loire Valley surrounded by rich history that was key during the Medieval and Renaissance periods--my favorites! I'll be trying to post items of interest (to me anyhow) periodically depending on how my studies *cough cough* go.
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